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v�tcdk�tdna�v� �tium�uir�svq6ry�e�l�t;so�(u�    �q�r 7 ws�'yf[ 7 ߂�\ 7 o�f[b� 7 ws�'yf[ 7 �q�r 7 o�f[b� 7 n�y�nusirna��_g�~s| ytir�s�^(u     7 ws�'yf[ 7 o�f[b� 7 1g�~s� 7zl 201510189351.6 7iantinociceptive effects of vitexin in a mouse model of postoperative painhantinociceptive effects of sinomenine in a rat model of neuropathic pain �q�r 7 n�~ 7 _[�v�h n�~ �y�ez 7 jl�q�^ 7 �y�ez 7 h�^� 7 n�~ 7 ߂�\ 7 ğ�� 7 �q�r 78  0clinical and experimental pharmacology and physiology 07 7 �y�ez 7  _o� 2,3,42 ,5-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-o-b-d-glucoside inhibits angiotensin ii-induced cardiac �broblast proliferation via suppression of the reactive oxygen species extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 pathway   _o��� _[�v�h 7��sfpn 7_l�l 71gn 7nligustilide prevents cognitive impairment and attenuates neurotoxicity in d-galactose induced aging mice brain�ns�s� 7!��syqq t,{n\o�n���\o���>e_dk�{�e�zvy�r �1u,g�neg3u��vy�r � 7? �mazur, marcelina;�gladkowski, witold;�srcek, visnja gaurina; i{> 70  chiang, chien-min; wang, tzi-yuan; ke, an-ni; i{/ 7*  gao, qian; qiao, yuqian; shen, yanbing; i{) 7  qiao, yuqian; shen, yanbing; huang, wei; i{* 7' ling, jin; yu, yingjia; feng, jianan; i{& 7 ���n_�e�z 7< morin-sardin, stephanie; nodet, patrice; coton, emmanuel; i{ 7 2017.10 70 chiang, chien-min; wang, tzi-yuan; ke, an-ni; i{ 7)  yang, feifei; zhou, jing; liu, chunyu; i{( 7$  qiu, xin; yang, jiali; wang, wei; i{# 7#  jiao, chenli; gao, feng; ou, li; i{" 7' tang, wenping; li, shiming; liu, yue; i{& 7 ���n_�e�z 7�q�r 7,heat shock proteins and the na /h exchanger 7 channels  7cellular signalling  7j neuroinflammation 7thypertonic saline infusion suppresses apoptosis of hippocampal cells in a rat model of cardiopulmonary resuscitation 7�protective effect of 2,3,5,4'-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-o-beta-d-glucoside on aldosterone-induced cardiomyocytes injury via interfering p53 signaling pathway 7tang, yu; hao, minghui 7�ho-1 is essential for tetrahydroxystilbene glucoside mediated mitochondrial biogenesis and anti-inflammation process in lps-treated raw264.7 macrophages 7[pp1� functionally augments the alternative splicing of camkii� through interaction with asf 7cardiovascular pathology  7[antidepressant-like effects of ginsenoside rg2 in a chronic mild stress model of depression 7brain research bulletin  7vdihydromyricetin attenuated ang ii induced cardiac fibroblasts proliferation related to inhibitory of oxidative stress 7"european journal of pharmacology  76inhibition of endogenous heat shock protein 70 attenuates inducible nitric oxide synthase induction via disruption of heat shock protein 70/na( ) /h( ) exchanger 1-ca(2 ) -calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase ii/transforming growth factor �-activated kinase 1-nuclear factor-�b signals in bv-2 microglia 7immunobiology  7{methylene blue attenuates inos induction through suppression of transcriptional factor binding amid inos mrna transcription 7j cell biochem 7 neurosci lett 7%todorovic, nevena; filipovic, dragana 7olactobacillus raises in vitro anticancer effect of geniposide in hsc-3 human oral squamous cell carcinoma cells 7&international journal of neuroscience  7cidentification of functional farnesoid x receptors in brain neurons 7 febs lett 7]bile acid signaling pathways from the enterohepatic circulation to the central nervous system 7�mechanism of 2,3,4',5-tetrahydroxystilbene 2-o-�-d-glucoside-induced upregulation of glutamate transporter 1 protein expression in mouse primary astrocytes 7 pharmacology 7e stein, dirson j.; vasconcelos, mailton f.; albrechet-souza, lucas; i{.cd 7 odunewu-aderibigbe, ayodeji; fliegel, larry 7e amith, schammim ray; vincent, krista marie; wilkinson, jodi marie; i{.cd 7' zhou, xiang; liu, yong; huang, yang; i{.%& 7& yu, weihua; zhang, xiaodi; wu, hao; i{.$% 7# ji, yawei; guo, xin; zhang, zhe; i{.!" 7, ren, ying; wang, jin-liang; zhang, xiang; i{.*  7# song, qiuyi; liu, lulu; yu, jin; i{.!" 76 takakuwa, shiho; mizuno, natsumi; takano, takayuki; i{.45 71 ahn, huijeong; kang, seung goo; yoon, sung-il; i{./0 7 zhang, xu; cheng, qianni; wang, yixiang; i{.)* 7( cheng, zhou; xu, hui; wang, xiaoping; i{.&' 7% jiang, qin; yang, manyi; qu, zhan; i{.#$ < 7$ xu, chao; fu, feng; li, xiaohong; i{."# 7; mertens, kim l.; kalsbeek, andries; soeters, maarten r.; i{.9: 7- abou-gharbia, m.; blass, b.; childers, w.; i{. , 7pmicroglia loss contributes to the development of major depression induced by different types of chronic stresses 7 neurochem res 7 �^�s ���n_�e�z 7 ���n_�e�z 7voskressensky, leonid g. 7v�ёns 7# li, yanwu; jin, xingai; mao, limin 7$xu, jun; chen, hu-biao; li, song-lin 7(lian, mengqiao; sun, yuchao; lin, yuan;  7)wang, jianhui; liu, yang; cheng, xiaorui; 7- liu, xing-yan;�wang, huai-you;�li, xue-qing;�  7(zhang, xia; yin, jintuo; liang, caijuan; 7%yuan, lin; zhang, yuqian; liao, man;  7you, zhengchen 7tan, chunxiang 7 jiang, bo 7chen, xiangfan 7  chen, zhuo 7  kumar, sunil 7 lin, chien-liang 7  liu, fengguo 7 wu, jingjing 7 �y�ez 7�ns�s� 7zrecent advances on aptamer-based biosensors to detection of platelet-derived growth factor 7biosensors and bioelectronics 7znasrin razmi, behzad baradaran, maryam hejazi, mohammad hasanzadeh, jafar mosafer, ahad mokhtarzadeh, miguel de la guardia 7�blueberry phenolics reduce gastrointestinal infection of patients with cerebral venous thrombosis by improving depressant-induced autoimmune disorder via mir-155-mediated brain-derived neurotrophic factor 7front pharmacol 72xu n, meng h, liu t, feng y, qi y, zhang d, wang h 7numakawa t, odaka h, adachi n 7br j pharmacol 7cell physiol biochem 76he x, yang l, wang m, zhuang x, huang r, zhu r, wang s 7int j neuropsychopharmacol 7_l�l 7pharmacol biochem behav 7gantidepressant-like effects of ginsenoside rg5 in mice: involving of hippocampus bdnf signaling pathway 7"xu d, wang c, zhao w, gao s, cui z 7 j nat med 7�saffron (crocus sativus l.) tea intake prevents learning/memory defects and neurobiochemical alterations induced by 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junfengvsynthesis and antitumor activity of novel aroylthiourea derivatives of podophyllotoxininvestigational new drugsmantitumor activity of portulaca oleracea l. polysaccharide on hela cells through inducing tlr4/nf-b signaling-nutrition and cancer-an international journal"zhao, rui; zhang, tao; ma, baoling^synthesis and bioactivity of pyrazolo [1,5-a] pyrimidine derivatives as novel c-met inhibitors$chinese journal of organic chemistryu������� �|a concise [3 3] heteroaromatization synthetic strategy afford dicarboxamide functionalized novel pyrazolo[1,5- a]pyrimidines!journal of heterocyclic chemistry<patel, anilkumar s.; kapuriya, naval p.; naliapara, yogesh tqsynthesis and bioevaluation of novel arylnaphthalene lignans as anticancer agentstcancer with low cathepsin d levels is susceptible to vacuolar (h )-atpase inhibitioncancer science8kitazawa, satoshi; nishizawa, satoru; nakagawa, hideyuki�development of novel beta-carboline-based hydroxamate derivatives as hdac inhibitors with dna damage and apoptosis inducing abilities medchemcomm&liu, ji; wang, tingting; wang, xinyangdhy-1 induce g2/m cell cycle arrest in human colon cancer cells via atr-chk1-cdc25c and weel pathwayscancer science�chalcone flavokawain b induces autophagic-cell death via reactive oxygen species-mediated signaling pathways in human gastric carcinoma and suppresses tumor growth in nude micearchives of toxicology2017.10=chang, chia-ting; hseu, you-cheng; thiyagarajan, varadharajan�mxi1-0 regulates the growth of human umbilical vein endothelial cells through extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (erk1/2) and interleukin-8 (il-8)-dependent pathways%wu, weiling; hu, zhenzhen; wang, feng_synthesis and identification of cytotoxic diphyllin glycosides as vacuolar h -atpase inhibitors�cleistanthin a inhibits the invasion and metastasis of human melanoma cells by inhibiting the expression of matrix metallopeptidase-2 and-9oncology letters$pan, sheng; cai, hengji; gu, lixiongt1,3,5-triazine inhibitors of histone deacetylases: synthesis and biological activity�5-(4,6-dimorpholino-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)-4-(trifluoromethyl)pyridin-2- amine (pqr309), a potent, brain-penetrant, orally bioavailable, pan class i pi3k/mtor inhibitor as clinical candidate in oncologyjournal of medicinal chemistry=beaufils, florent; cmiljanovic, natasa; cmiljanovic, vladimir{design and synthesis of c3-substituted beta-carboline-based histone deacetylase inhibitors with potent antitumor activities chemmedchem ling, yong; feng, jiao; luo, lin ma, peng-kai; wei, bao-hong; cao, yan-ling; 7� 02,3,4',5-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-o-�-d-glucosid< e inhibits platelet-derived growth factor-induced proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells by regulating the cell cycle. 08 0clinical and experimental pharmacology and physiology 0^ 0 antidepressant-like effects of ginsenoside rg2 in a chronic mild stress model of depression 0 0brain research bulletin 0�ren, y (ren, ying); wang, jl (wang, jin-liang) ; zhang, x (zhang, xiang) ; wang, h (wang, hao) ; ye, y (ye, ying) ; song, l (song, lu); wang, yj (wang, ying-jie) ; tu, mj (tu, meng-jue); wang, ww (wang, wei-wei) ; yang, l (yang, lan); jiang, b (jiang, bo)acta pharmacologica sinica:zhang, m (zhang, meng) ; yu, lm (yu, li-ming) ; zhao, h (zhao, hang) ; zhou, xx (zhou, xuan-xuan) ; yang, q (yang, qian) ; song, f (song, fan) ; yan, l (yan, li) ; zhai, me (zhai, meng-en) ; li, by (li, bu-ying) ; zhang, b (zhang, bin); jin, zx (jin, zhen-xiao) ; duan, wx (duan, wei-xun); wang, sw (wang, si-wang)|aliskiren protects against myocardial ischaemia-reperfusion injury via an endothelial nitric oxide synthase dependent manner5clinical and experimental pharmacology and physiology�chen, y (chen, yu); meng, gl (meng, guoliang) ; bai, wl (bai, wenli) ; ma, y (ma, yan) ; xie, lp (xie, liping) ; altaf, n (altaf, naila) ; qian, yn (qian, yanning) ; han, y (han, yi) ; ji, y (ji, yong)�2,3,4',5-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-o-�-d-glucoside inhibits proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells: involvement of no/cgmp/pkg pathway.�the effect of 2,3,4',5-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-0-�-d glucoside on neointima formation in a rat artery balloon injury model and its possible mechanisms. european journal of pharmacology�the effect of 2,3,4',5-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-o-�-d-glucoside on pressure overload-induced cardiac remodeling in rats and and its possible mechanism. planta medica�2, 3, 5, 4-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-o--d-glucoside prevention of lipopolysaccharide-induced depressive-like behaviors in mice involves neuroinflammation and oxido-nitrosative stress inhibitionbehavioural pharmacology\chen, z (chen, zhuo) ; huang, c (huang, chao); he, hy (he, haiyan); ding, wb (ding, wenbin):zhang, m (zhang, meng) ; yu, lm (yu, li-ming) ; zhao, h (zhao, hang) ; zhou, xx (zhou, xuan-xuan) ; yang, q (yang, qian); song, f (song, fan) ; yan, l (yan, li) ; zhai, me (zhai, meng-en) ; li, by (li, bu-ying) ; zhang, b (zhang, bin); jin, zx (jin, zhen-xiao) ; duan, wx (duan, wei-xun) ; wang, sw (wang, si-wang)�tetrahydroxystilbene glycoside improves microvascular endothelial dysfunction and ameliorates obesity-associated hypertension in obese zdf rats via inhibition of endothelial autophagy$cellular physiology and biochemistry�dong, qq (dong, qianqian) ; xing, wj (xing, wenjuan) ; su, ff (su, feifei) ; liang, xy (liang, xiangyan); tian, f (tian, fei) ; gao, f (gao, feng) ; wang, sw (wang, siwang) ; zhang, hf (zhang, haifeng)}salusin-� induces smooth muscle cell proliferation by regulating cyclins d1 and e expression through mapks signaling pathways'journal of cardiovascular pharmacology.zmacrophage differentiation induced by pma is mediated by activation of rhoa/rock signaling!journal of toxicological sciencesoyang, lf (yang, lifeng) ; dai, f (dai, fan) ; tang, l (tang, lian); le, yl (le, yulan) ; yao, wj (yao, wenjuan)�song, qy (song, qiuyi) ; liu, ll (liu, lulu) ; yu, j (yu, jin) ; zhang, jy (zhang, jingyao) ; xu, mt (xu, mengting) ; sun, ll (sun, linlin) ; luo, hq (luo, huiqin) ; feng, zs (feng, zhaosong); meng, gl (meng, guoliang)�the cardiovascular functions of salusin- mediated by muscarinic receptors, glutamate receptors or l-type calcium channels within the rostral ventrolateral medulla of rats!microscopy research and technique�xie, fj (xie, fu-jia) ; chai, c (chai, chen) ; zhu, p (zhu, ping); li, b (li, bin) ; cai, hy (cai, hong-yan); lu, y (lu, yan); cao, n (cao, nong)�effect of salusin-� on peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma gene expression in vascular smooth muscle cells and its possible mechanism%cellular physiology and biochemistry oantidepressant-like effects of ginsenoside rg3 in mice via activation of the hippocampal bdnf signaling cascadejournal of natural medicines�you, zc (you, zhengchen); yao, q (yao, qi) ; shen, jh (shen, jianhong); gu, zk (gu, zhikai) ; xu, h (xu, hui) ; wu, zh (wu, zhonghua) ; chen, cj (chen, chuanjun) ; li, lz (li, luozhu)xthe association of circulating mir29b and interleukin-6 with subclinical atherosclerosis�huang, yq (huang, yu-qing) ; li, j (li, jie) ; chen, jy (chen, ji-yan) ; zhou, yl (zhou, ying-ling) ; cai, ap (cai, an-ping) ; huang, c (huang, cheng) ; feng, yq (feng, ying-qing)�salusin-beta is involved in diabetes mellitus-induced endothelial dysfunction via degradation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma)oxidative medicine and cellular longevity�sun, hj (sun, hai-jian) ; chen, d (chen, dan); wang, py (wang, pei-yao) ; wan, my (wan, ming-yu); zhang, cx (zhang, chen-xing); zhang, zx (zhang, zhi-xuan) ; lin, w (lin, wei) ; zhang, f (zhang, feng)�ppar-gamma is involved in the protective effect of 2,3,4 ',5-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-o-beta-d-glucoside against cardiac fibrosis in pressure-overloaded ratsnovel anti-fibrotic therapiesfrontiers in pharmacologyemcvicker, bl (mcvicker, benita l.) ; bennett, rg (bennett, robert g.)jyixinshu ameliorates hippocampus abnormality induced by heart failure via the ppar gamma signaling pathway rsc advances�xian, mh (xian, minghua) ; wang, tt (wang, tingting) ; zhang, w (zhang, wen) ; gao, jh (gao, jinhuan) ; zhang, y (zhang, yi); li, df (li, defeng) ; wei, jy (wei, junying) ; yang, hj (yang, hongjun)kdihydromyricetin ameliorates atherosclerosis in ldl receptor deficient miceatherosclerosistanti-atherosclerotic effect of hesperidin in ldlr-/- mice and its possible mechanismysun, yz (sun, ye-zi) ; chen, jf (chen, jian-fei); shen, lm (shen, li-min); zhou, j (zhou, ji) ; wang, cf (wang, cui-fang)5evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine�li, hl (li, hongliang) ; li, qs (li, qisheng) ; liu, zw (liu, zhaowen) ; yang, k (yang, kai); chen, zx (chen, zhixi) ; cheng, ql (cheng, qilai) ; wu, lh (wu, longhuo)  li, xin; niu, xiangheng; zhang, wenchi; i{.)* 79 burrows, nathan d.; harvey, samantha; idesis, fred a.; i{.78 79 burrows, nathan d.; harvey, samantha; idesis, fred a.; i{.78 70  shajari, daryush; bahari, ali; gill, pooria; i{../ 76 kumar, vikas; mishra, narendra k.; gupta, shradhey; i{.45 7$ wang, lei; li, dong; hao, yongwei; i{# 7zsize-dependent facilitation of cancer cell targeting by proteins adsorbed on nanoparticles 7"acs applied materials & interfaces 7ςؚf 7rcolloidal gold nanoparticles induce < changes in cellular and subcellular morphology 7 acs nano  7@ma, xiaowei; hartmann, raimo; jimenez de aberasturi, dorleta; i{. 7qerythrocyte membrane-coated upconversion nanoparticles with minimal protein adsorption for enhanced tumor imaging 7 rao, lang; meng, qian-fang; bu, lin-lin; i{. 7yeffects of 2,3,4 ,5-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-0-�-d-glucoside on vascular endothelial dysfunction in atherogenic-diet rats  7planta medicinal 7 _o 7� tetrahydroxystilbene glucoside isolated from polygonum multiflorum thunb. demonstrates osteoblast differentiation promoting activity 7&experimental and therapeutic medicine  7$zheng, yayuan; li, jin; wu, jingkai; 7b current pharmacological developments in 2,3,4', 5-tetrahydroxystilbene 2-o-beta-d-glucoside (tsg) 7#european journal of pharmacology  7$wu, jingjing; hu, wenfeng; gong, yu; 7  ren, ying; wang, jin-liang; zhang, xiang;  7k polygonum multiflorum water extract protects against nitric oxide by lps-induced in raw 264.7 macrophages. 7biomedical research-india  74 lin, chien-liang; hsieh, shu-ling; wu, chih-chung;  7�inhibition of calcium-calmodulin-dependent kinase ii suppress cardiac fibroblast proliferation and extracellular matrix secretion  7j cardiovasc pharmacol 7�ca2 /calmodulin-dependent protein kinase ii beta and ii delta mediate tgf beta-induced transduction of fibronectin and collagen in human pulmonary fibroblasts 7gamerican journal of physiology-lung cellular and molecular physiology  7 mukherjee, subhendu; sheng, wei; sun, rui;  7� edaravone inhibits pressure overload-induced cardiac fibrosis and dysfunction by reducing expression of angiotensin ii at1 receptor 7&drug design development and therapy  7& zhang, wei-wei; bai, feng; wang, jin; 7o aristoyunnolin h attenuates extracellular matrix secretion in cardiac fibroblasts by inhibiting calcium influx 7 archives of pharmacal research  7/chen, shao-rui; zhang, wen-ping; bao, jing-mei; 7�ca2 d calmodulin-dependent protein kinase ii� orchestrates g-protein-coupled receptor and electric �eld stimulation-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy  7 _o 7i camkii delta meditates phenylephrine induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy through store-operated ca2 entry 7cardiovascular pathology  7!ji, yawei; guo, xin; zhang, zhe;  7�2,3,4',5-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-0-beta-d-glucoside inhibits platelet-derived growth factor-induced proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells by regulating cell cycle.  7clin exp pharmacol physiol. 7\ antidepressant-like effects of ginsenoside rg2 in a chronic mild stress model of depression 7brain research bulletin  7)ren, ying; wang, jin-liang; zhang, xiang; 7acta pharmacologica sinica  7& zhang, meng; yu, li-ming; zhao, hang; 7} aliskiren protects against myocardial ischaemia-reperfusion injury via an endothelial nitric oxide synthase dependent manner 78clinical and experimental pharmacology and physiology  7&chen, yu; meng, guoliang; bai, wenli;  7pharmacology  7$chen, xiangfan; hu, wenfeng; lu, xu; 7�2,3,42 ,5-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-o-b-d-glucoside inhibits angiotensin ii-induced cardiac �broblast proliferation via suppression of the reactive oxygen species extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 pathway  7clin exp pharmacol physiol. 7_ luteolin: a flavonoid that has multiple cardio-protective effects and its molecular mechanisms 7frontiers in pharmacology  7*luo, yuanyuan; shang, pingping; li, dongye 7& wu, jingjing; hu, wenfeng; gong, yu;  7� grk2 mediates arginine vasopressin-induced interleukin-6 production via nuclear factor-kappa b signaling neonatal rat cardiac fibroblast 7molecular pharmacology  7) xu, feifei; sun, shuzhen; wang, xiaojun; 7!european journal of pharmacology  7song, qiuyi; liu, lulu; yu, jin 7�astragaloside iv inhibits isoprenaline-induced cardiac fibrosis by targeting the reactive oxygen species/mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling axis 7molecular medicine reports  7) dai, hongliang; jia, guizhi; lu, meili;  7� 2,3,5,4 '-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-o-beta-d-glucoside protects murine hearts against ischemia/reperfusion injury by activating notch1/hes1 signaling and attenuating endoplasmic reticulum stress 7acta pharmacologica sinica  7%zhang, meng; yu, li-ming; zhao, hang; 7z grk2/beta-arrestin mediates arginine vasopressin-induced cardiac fibroblast proliferation 7,chen, yunxuan; xu, feifei; zhang, lingling;  7�ho-1 is essential for tetrahydroxystilbene glucoside mediated mitochondrial biogenesis and anti-inflammation process in lps-treated raw264.7 macrophages 7-oxidative medicine and cellular longevity  7#yu, weihua; zhang, xiaodi; wu, hao; 7� effect of testosterone on the proliferation and collagen synthesis of cardiac fibroblasts induced by angiotensin ii in neonatal rat 7bioengineered  7( yang, xiaocun; wang, ying; yan, shuxun; 7gelectrical field stimulation induces cardiac fibroblast proliferation through calcineurin-nfat pathway. 7can j physiol pharmacol. 7e soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibition protected against angiotensin ii-induced adventitial remodeling 7scientific reports  7!zhou, chi; huang, jin; li, qing;  7! song, qiuyi; liu, lulu; yu, jin; 7z grk2/beta-arrestin mediates arginine vasopressin-induced cardiac fibroblast proliferation 77clinical and experimental pharmacology and physiology  7 chen, yunxuan; xu, feifei; zhang, lingling; 7[mir-17-3p inhibits angiogenesis by downregulating flk-1 in the cell growth signal pathway.  7 j vasc res 7~ microrna-17-3p promotes keratinocyte cells growth and metastasis via targeting myot and regulating notchl/nf-kappa b pathways 7 pharmazie  7*yan, hongshan; song, kunxiu; zhang, guohui 7; cancer hallmarks and micrornas: the therapeutic connection 7mirna and cancer  7* van roosbroeck, katrien; calin, george a. 7��-n-heterocyclic thiosemicarbazone fe(iii) complex: characteri< zation of its antitumor activity and identification of anticancer mechanism 7eur j med chem. 7�effects of terminal substitution and iron coordination on antiproliferative activity of l-proline-salicylaldehyde-thiosemicarbazone hybrids 7(european journal of inorganic chemistry  7=milunovic, miljan n. m.; dobrova, aliona; novitchi, ghenadie; 7ostructure and biological properties of mixed-ligand cu(ii) schiff base complexes as potential anticancer agents 7)european journal of medicinal chemistry  7!gou, yi; li, jinlong; fan, boyi;  7_design, synthesis and anticancer activity of novel nopinone-based thiosemicarbazone derivatives 7)bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters  7"wang, yunyun; gu, wen; shari, yu;  7�morpholine or methylpiperazine and salicylaldimine based heteroleptic square planner platinum (ii) complexes: in vitro anticancer study and growth retardation effect on e-coli 7/rahman, faiz-ur; ali, amjad; khan, inam ullah;  7.rahman, faiz-ur; ali, amjad; khan, inam ullah; 7pdeveloping anticancer ferric prodrugs based on the n-donor residues of human serum albumin carrier iia subdomain 7 j med chem 7 _o��� 7�synthesis, crystal structure and antiproliferative mechanisms of 2-acetylpyridine-thiosemicarbazones ga(iii) with a greater selectivity against tumor cells 7#journal of inorganic biochemistry  7$qi, jinxu; zheng, yunyun; qian, kun; 7�albumin based versatile multifunctional nanocarriers for cancer therapy: fabrication, surface modification, multimodal therapeutics and imaging approaches 7imaterials science & engineering c-materials for biological applications  7$kudarha, ritu r.; sawant, krutika k. 7�synthesis and structure elucidation of novel salophen-based dioxouranium(vi) complexes: in-vitro and in-silico studies of their dna/bsa -binding properties and anticancer activity 7(european journal of medicinal chemistry  7eebrahimipour, s. yousef; mohamadi, maryam; mahani, masoud torkzadeh;  7� effects of terminal substitution and iron coordination on antiproliferative activity of l-proline-salicylaldehyde-thiosemicarbazone hybrids 7=milunovic, miljan n. m.; dobrova, aliona; novitchi, ghenadie; 7�cu(ii), ga(iii) and in(iii) complexes of 2-acetylpyridine n(4)-phenylthiosemicarbazone: synthesis, spectral characterization and biological activities 7 medchemcomm  7&wang, yu-ting; fang, yan; zhao, meng;  7� novel 2-pyridinecarboxaldehyde thiosemicarbazones ga(iii) complexes with a high antiproliferative activity by promoting apoptosis and inhibiting cell cycle  7%qi, jinxu; deng, jungang; qian, kun;  7d design an anticancer copper(ii) pro-drug based on the flexible iia subdomain of human serum albumin 7%zhang, yao; zhang, zhenlei; gou, yi;  7�design of an anticancer copper(ii) prodrug based on the lys199 residue of the active targeting human serum albumin nanoparticle carrier 7molecular pharmaceutics  7$gou, yi; zhang, yao; zhang, zhenlei; 7f strategies for preparing albumin-based nanoparticles for multifunctional bioimaging and drug delivery 7 theranostics  7an, fei-fei; zhang, xiao-hong 7�rescue of cardiac failing and remodeling by inhibition of pp1� is associated with suppression of the asf-mediated splicing of camkii� 7*ren, ying; wang, jin-liang; zhang, xiang;  7 song, qiuyi; liu, lulu; yu, jin; 7�cryptotanshinone inhibits the growth and invasion of colon cancer by suppressing inflammation and tumor angiogenesis through modulating mmp/timp system, pi3k/akt/mtor signaling and hif-1� nuclear translocation 7 international immunopharmacology 7scientific reportsoanimal models of chronic pain: advances and challenges for clinical translation journal of neuroscience researchcburma, nicole e.; leduc-pessah, heather; fan, churmy y.; tuan trang1gn 7 ���n_�e�z 7jantinociceptive effects of sinomenine in a rat model of postoperative pain 7british journal of pharmacology 7sdissolving microneedles integrated with liquid crystals facilitate transdermal delivery of sinomenine hydrochloride 7"journal of pharmaceutical sciences 7�gui, zhiping; wu, xingxing; wang, shuyan; cao, yingji; wan, jun; shan, qianqian; yang, zhuanzhuan; zhang, jiwen; gui, shuangying 7�sinomenine hydrochloride inhibits human glioblastoma cell growth through reactive oxygen species generation and autophagy-lysosome pathway activation: an in vitro and in vivo study 7 international journal of molecular sciences 7ejiang, yumao; jiao, yue; wang, zhiguo; li, tao; liu, yang; li, yujuan; zhao, xiaoliang; wang, danqiao 7`sinomenine produces peripheral analgesic effects via inhibition of voltage-gated sodium currents 7 neuroscience 7xlee, jeong-yun;yoon, seo-yeon;�won, jonghwa;�kim, han-byul;�kang, youngnam;�oh, seog bae 7hantinociceptive effects of curcumin in a rat model of postoperative pain 7scientific reports 71gn 7bdendrosomal nanocurcumin prevents morphine self-administration behavior in rats despite ca1 damage 7behavioural pharmacology 7�noroozi, j (noroozia, jalaleden)[ 1 ] ; 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targeting smad in vitro 7biomedicine & pharmacotherapy 7^zhao, bin; liu, lei; mao, jun; liu, kun; fan, weiwang; liu, jiheng; zhang, zhiwei; li, quanlin 7�sinomenine, an alkaloid derived from sinomenium acutum potentiates pentobarbital-induced sleep behaviors and non-rapid eye movement (nrem) sleep in rodents 7biomolecules & therapeutics 76yoo, jae hyeon; ha, tae-woo; hong, jin tae; oh, ki-wan 7ejiang, yumao; jiao, yue; wang, zhiguo; li, tao; liu, yang; li, yujuan; zhao, xiaoliang; wang, danqiao 7 neuroscience 7lthe effect of sinomenine in diabetic neuropathic pain mediated by the p2x(3) receptor in dorsal root ganglia 7purinergic signalling 7�rao, sq�(rao, shenqiang)[�1�]�;�liu, sm�(liu, shuangmei)[�1�]�;�zou, lf�(zou, lifang)[�1�]�;�jia, ty�(jia, tianyu)[�1�]�;�zhao, sh�(zhao, shanhong)[�1�]�;�wu, b(wu, bing)[�1�]�;�yi, zh�(yi, zhihua)[�1�]�;�wang, sy�(wang, shouyu)[�1�]�;�xue, y�(xue, yun)[�1�]�;�gao, y�(gao, yun)[�1�]�;�xu, cs�(xu, changshui)[�1�]�;�li, gl�(li, guilin)[�1�];�xu, 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chen, dy (chen, dongyan)[ 2 ] ; feng, xz (feng, xizeng) 7yquercetin ameliorates learning and memory via the nrf2-are signaling pathway in d-galactose-induced neurotoxicity in mice 73biochemical and biophysical research communications 7dong, fx (dong, fuxing)[ 1 ] ; wang, s (wang, shuang)[ 2 ] ; wang, yw (wang, yiwen)[ 2 ] ; yang, x (yang, xiao)[ 2 ] ; jiang, jl (jiang, jiali)[ 2 ] ; wu, dj (wu, dejian)[ 2 ] ; qu, xb (qu, xuebin)[ 1 ] ; fan, hb (fan, hongbin)[ 3 ] ; yao, rq (yao, ruiqin)[ 1 ] 7�d-galactose-induced brain ageing model: a systematic review and meta-analysis on cognitive outcomes and oxidative stress indices 7plos one 7�sadigh-eteghad, s (sadigh-eteghad, saeed)[ 1 ] ; majdi, a (majdi, alireza)[ 1 ] ; mccann, sk (mccann, sarah k.)[ 2 ] ; mahmoudi, j (mahmoudi, javad)[ 1 ] ; vafaee, ms (vafaee, manouchehr s.)[ 3 ] ; macleod, mr (macleod, malcolm r.)[ 4 ] 7{protective effect of sfe-co2 of ligusticum chuanxiong hort against d-galactose-induced injury in the mouse liver and 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gpd (dominguez more, gina paola)[ 1,2 ] ; cardenas, pa (andrea cardenas, paola)[ 1 ] ; costa, gm (costa, geison m.)[ 3 ] ; simoes, cmo (simoes, claudia m. o.)[ 4 ] ; aragon, dm (marcela aragon, diana)[ 1 ] 7<lintranasal cerebrolysin attenuates learning and memory impairments in d-galactose-induced senescence in mice 7experimental gerontology 7�pourmemar, e (pourmemar, ehsan)[ 1 ] ; majdi, a (majdi, alireza)[ 1 ] ; haramshahi, m (haramshahi, morteza)[ 1 ] ; talebi, m (talebi, mahnaz)[ 1 ] ; karimi, p (karimi, pouran)[ 1 ] ; sadigh-eteghad, s (sadigh-eteghad, saeed)[ 1 ] 7u��� 7u��� 7u������ 7jl�q�^ 7=polydatin protects the respiratory system from pm2.5 exposure 7 yan xiao-dani{ 7�intelligent "peptide-gathering mechanical arm" tames wild "trojan-horse" peptides for the controlled delivery of cancer nanotherapeutics 7"acs applied materials & interfaces 7�shi, nq�(shi, nian-qiu);�li, y�(li, yan);�zhang, y�(zhang, yong);�shen, n�(shen, nan);�qi, l�(qi, ling);�wang, sr�(wang, shu-ran)�;�qi, 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chemistry: green nanomedicine 7%international journal of nanomedicine 7�jahangirian, h�(jahangirian, hossein);�lemraski, eg�(lemraski, ensieh ghasemian);�webster, tj�(webster, thomas j.);�rafiee-moghaddam, r�(rafiee-moghaddam, roshanak);�abdollahi, y�(abdollahi, yadollah) 7lph-responsive hybrid quantum dots for targeting hypoxic tumor sirna delivery 7journal of controlled release 7ghongyan zhu, shengyu zhang, yongling, guoliang meng, yu yang, wei zhang 7� 4����c�n���e�s�n�t yps�n�\b�0�vu_0ck�e��u�b\o�usmo:nws�'yf[�vu�b� � �vq-n���e�s�n�y�bn�nny�[8hts_ss�؏0��sci0ei0cpci-s6eu_�v���e ��n�sq_�t�vp[0jcrr:s�~ r��c�ob!h�vfn���qwq�v�vsq�h"}��f0�h"}�nf[b�:nusmo � n�c6e*n�n3u����k�n�np��qwq1�n��f �����eh�����c�o�e�� t �-n�e�� t nzp�h"}�kxh��e �nx���l g6eu_�v�e�z�� n��kx�q0 � 7`2�kxh��e���~ny6e?z�eg��f �0 7/kxh��n�~{ t �� f[b���� ��#��n�~{ t �� �y�bn�nny�[8h�n�~{ t �� 7  7�s2t�t{|m�uir�svq6ry�e�ln�^(u 7 2018.06.19 7ng�^�g 7zl201510037124.1 7zactivated production of silent metabolites from marine-derived fungus penicillium citrinum fitoterapiang�^�g 7 sci 7ng�^�g 7 2018.02.02 7racetylcholinesterase inhibitory dimeric indole derivatives from the marine actinomycetes rubrobacter radiotolerans 7�2d amphiphilic organoplatinum(ii) metallacycles: their syntheses, self-assembly in water and potential application in photodynamic therapy.chem commun (camb) _o���n:s�download citation share request full-text acetylcholinesterase inhibitory dimeric indole derivatives from the marine actinomycetes rubrobacter radiotoleransng�^�gtresearch advances and detection methodologies for microbe-derived acetylcholinesterase inhibitors: a systemic review molecules su jingqianzanti-allodynic effects of n-demethylsinomenine, an active metabolite of sinomenine, in a mouse model of postoperative pain european journal of pharmacologyvq�n���\o�>e_3u�bdk�{�e�zvy�r1gn��� 7�� �: '<^�=�`@�@bwpc��d� rg� �h� �kao�vr��v�}z�b]u�a��d� �l��r��v �z� ~����� ��� ֋�p�_������e�tg�v��kȥ� (��-�� ����{��b����n������ 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