
作者:金飞     日期:2023-10-11   点击数:2139  














1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,81603044,利用前体药物和离子导入协同策略促进3-羟基苯二氮卓类化合物透皮递送研究,2017.01.012019.12.3117.3万元,已结题,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,82171223,血管内皮细胞调控外周感觉神经在血管痛中的作用机制,2022.01.012025.12.3154万元,在研,参与。

3. 中国博士后科学基金会,面上资助,2017m611886,电辅助经颊粘膜递送劳拉西泮及其新型水溶性衍生物,2017.055万,已结题,主持。

4. 南通市科技局,基础科学研究项目,jc2021117,抗癫痫药物大麻二酚新型衍生物的离子导入透皮递送机制和药动学研究,2021.072023.063万,已结题,主持。

5. 主持企业委托口服、外用、静脉注射制剂开发和检测项目多项。



1. wang c, liu x, zhao r, yang m, liu w, dai q, bao x, chen y*, ma j*. the amorphous solid dispersion of chrysin in plasdone® s630 demonstrates improved oral bioavailability and antihyperlipidemic performance in rats. pharmaceutics.2023, 15(10), 2378.

2. kang d, wang c, liu w, yang m, cheng x*, chen y*. development of an uhplc-ms/ms method to determine cutaneous biodistribution of cannabidiol after topical application of cannabidiol gel assisted by iontophoresis. biomed chromatogr. 2023 aug 31: e5735.

3. kang dz, ge qm, natabou ma, xu wb, liu xw, xu bh, bao xf, kalia yn, chen y*. bolus delivery of palonosetron through skin by tip-loaded dissolving microneedles with short-duration iontophoresis: a potential strategy to rapidly relieve emesis associated with chemotherapy. int j pharm. 2022 nov 25; 628: 122294.

4. pinho lag, lima al, sa-barreto ll, gelfuso gm, gratieri t, marreto rn, chen y, cunha-filho m*. medicated lacquer for application on adornments to treat affections in aesthetic perforations. int j pharm. 2022 sep 28; 627:122240.

5.zhou y, wang c, liu w, yang m, xu b, chen y*. fast in vitro release and in vivo absorption of an anti-schizophrenic drug paliperidone from its soluplus®/tpgs mixed micelles. pharmaceutics. 2022 apr 19;14(5):889.

6. sonaje k, tyagi v, chen y, kalia yn*. iontosomes: electroresponsive liposomes for topical iontophoretic delivery of chemotherapeutics to the buccal mucosa. pharmaceutics. 2021 jan 11;13(1):88.

7.huang yk, lu yg, zhao x, zhang jb, zhang fm, chen y, bi lb, gu jh, jiang zj, wu xm, li qy, liu y, shen jx, liu xj*. cytokine activin c ameliorates chronic neuropathic pain in peripheral nerve injury rodents by modulating the trpv1 channel. br j pharmacol. 2020 dec;177(24):5642-5657.

8.dai q, zhang p, jin y, tang m, shen m, xu s, huang s, chen y*. using self-nanoemulsifying system to improve oral bioavailability of a pediatric antiepileptic agent stiripentol: formulation and pharmacokinetics studies. aaps pharmscitech. 2020 jul 13;21(5):192.

9. cai y, zhou y, zhang p, kalia yn, gratieri t, chen y*. tissue levels of flurbiprofen in the rat plantar heel after short-duration topical iontophoresis are sufficient to induce pharmacodynamic responses to local pain stimuli. pharmaceutics. 2020 jun 30;12(7):608.

10.niu b, yin z, qiu n, yu y, huang q, zhu q, zhuang x, chen y*. effective management of acute postoperative pain using intravenous emulsions of novel ketorolac prodrugs: in vitro and in vivo evaluations. eur j pharm sci. 2020 apr 18; 149: 105344.

11.chen y, kalia yn*. short-duration ocular iontophoresis of ionizable aciclovir prodrugs: a new approach to treat herpes simplex infections in the anterior and posterior segments of the eye. int j pharm. 2018 jan 30;536(1):292-300.

12.santer v, chen y, kalia yn*. controlled non-invasive iontophoretic delivery of triamcinolone acetonide amino acid ester prodrugs into the posterior segment of the eye. eur j pharm biopharm. 2018 nov; 132: 157-167.

13. chen y, alberti i, kalia yn*. topical iontophoretic delivery of ionizable, biolabile aciclovir prodrugs: a rational approach to improve cutaneous bioavailability. eur j pharm biopharm. 2016 feb; 99: 103-13.

14. chen y, zahui t, alberti i, kalia yn*. cutaneous biodistribution of ionizable, biolabile aciclovir prodrugs after short duration topical iontophoresis: targeted intraepidermal drug delivery. eur j pharm biopharm. 2016 feb; 99: 94-102.

15. 顾薇,王晨慧,刘小卫,周烨,包小峰,陈勇*. 水溶性帕利哌酮前体药物的合成及其体外透皮研究药物评价研究. 2022,45(10),2008-2016.

16.张培炎,王晨慧,蒋香云,康东珠,李宏运,刘占军,罗琳,陈勇*. 基于透皮离子导入技术的戒烟药物金雀花碱的可控递送研究中国现代应用药学. 2022,39(08)1026-1032.

17.王燕,王晨慧,李胜男,李霖枫,庄晓晓,陈重华,陈勇*. 普瑞巴林胡椒丙烯酸衍生物对戊四唑致小鼠惊厥的保护华西药学杂志. 2022,37(01)19-22.

18.周烨,张琴,顾悦,金怡兰,许晓乐,陈勇*. 超饱和体系改善阿昔洛韦脂肪酸酯前体药物的透皮递送中国药房. 2021,32(16)1975-1981.

19.李胜男,朱丽,王燕,陈重华,陈勇*. uplc-ms/ms法测定大鼠血浆及脑组织中的劳拉西泮和劳拉西泮甘氨酸酯华西药学杂志. 2021,36(04)410-414.

20.蒋香云,朱丽,陈勇,刘占军*. 离子导入技术促进盐酸青藤碱透皮递送的影响因素研究中成药. 2021,43(06)1409-1414.

21.戴秋阳,汤米,张培炎,包小峰,陈勇*. 司替戊醇及其自纳米乳在大鼠血浆和脑组织中的药物浓度比较中国药房. 2021,32(03)273-277.

22.周烨,金怡兰,顾悦,宗亚玲,陈勇*. 富马酸福莫特罗口腔速溶膜剂的制备和评价南通大学学报(医学版). 2021,41(01)15-19.

23.钮碧晰,尹宗宁,王文博,顾尹慧,刘佳敏,王春燕,陈勇*. 酮咯酸异丙酯静脉注射脂肪乳剂的处方前研究中国现代应用药学. 2020,37(21)2587-2593.

24.曹焱,张国松,严轶东,陈勇,李东勲*. 盐酸帕罗西汀肠溶缓释片的研制及体内外评价中国医药工业杂志. 2017,48(06)861-868.

25.陈勇*,钮碧晰,张琴,蔡依璐前药策略协同离子导入促进双氢睾酮透皮吸收国际药学研究杂志. 2016,43(06)1123-1128 1134.

26.陈勇*,赵育,蔡依璐右旋布洛芬透皮贴剂的制备南通大学学报(自然科学版). 2016,15(04)55-58 74
